Evan Williams : “Help athletes to reach their highest potential”

Through this nice interview with Evan Williams, discover the Sports Performance Trainer job. Athletes need to read it.

Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Evan Williams and I’m a Sports Performance Trainer from the South side of Chicago. I have a Degree in Exercise Science from Eastern Illinois University and I’m Certified through NSCA.

What is your path in sports?
My path in sports is to create athletes that are not only physically strong but mentally as well.

Today, what is your job? What are your services?
I’m currently a Sports Performance trainer for Under Armour powered by FX Studios. I provide strength and conditioning training as well as assessing functional movement patterns and sports related mechanics.

Do you have a specialization (Physical, technical, mental, etc.)?
I spealize in injury prevention, Jump mechanics, strength and conditioning and functional training. I also specialize in bringing out the mental toughness in my athletes.

What kind of people are your customers? Only athletes?
I train all populations including: general population, high school athletes all the way to Olympic Gold Medalists.

How many athletes can you train at the same time?
I can train an entire team at once. I prefer small groups so that I can focus more and pay more attention to details and techniques.

Now, let’s focus on basketball. During your childhood, have you dreamed about becoming a professional basketball player?
Being from Chicago and growing up in the 90’s, most kids wanted to become the next Michael Jordan. Chicago probably has the strongest basketball culture in the world. Most kids see it as a way out. When I played I was being recruited to some of the best D1 programs but my career took a turn due to my ACL injuries. So now I want to help athletes by properly showing them how to train and prevent injuries. I don’t want any athlete to go through what I went through myself.

NBA athlete and superstar, Anthony Davis. © Evan Williams
NBA athlete and superstar, Anthony Davis. © Evan Williams

Have you ever trained NBA players or overseas pro players?
I’ve trained pretty much every level of basketball from high school to NBA players such as Anthony Davis. I’ve trained several overseas players from Chicago such as Fabyon Harris (France) Malcolm Griffin (Latvia) Aaron Williams (China) etc. NBA D leaguers such as Bruce Massey (Pistons) have seen great improvement from my training as well. I enjoy helping athletes that don’t have as many resources for high quality training to reach their dreams.

For a professional basketball player, what is the typical training program that you offer? With what kind of exercises?
The first thing that I look at before I program for an athlete is thier movement patterns. I usually start off by fixing thier Squating, Hinging, jump mechanics etc. Believe it or not, most athletes go all through school (yes even college) without knowing how to do those movements propely. From there, I usually make their program focused around explosiveness, speed, mobility, strength and conditioning. Some components I like to include in my trainings are Hills, Sand, Pool, and field work.

If an athlete wants you to be his coach, how does he get in touch with you?
My instagram @theevo_lution is the best way to find me and you can get in contact with me through email: evolve2greatness@gmail.com

What are your expectations for the future?
In the future I plan on continuing to help athletes reach their highest potential. I plan to not only give back to the communities of Chicago, but communities all over the world by helping through outreach, health and wellness.

How people can become a sports trainer? What is the way?
Specially for strength and conditioning, you have to have a Degree in some type of Excersice Science and attain a trainer certification. For people looking to get into it, research and study how the body works and different training methods to make athletes move better, faster, and stronger.


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